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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fear of failure

Good morning!

It's time to talk about that thing that no one ever wants to talk about. Are you afraid of failure? Do you think that if you put your work out in the world for others to have a look at, they won't like it and you'll get negative feedback? Of course you are. Many people are. That makes you like everybody else.

Okay, you say, "If everybody else is afraid of failure, then how do so many people succeed?"

The answer is simple. They choke back their fear and take the steps necessary to get things done. I've had to do that, and while I am not a raging success, I can at least hold my head up, look the world in the eye and spit. I've put my work out into the world and while a few people have turned away, many more have purchased my novels and come back for more.

My biggest failing is that I've had to learn how to write, proofread, edit, copyright, publish, produce acceptable cover art and market my work. With so many things to learn, there is always going to be something that has been overlooked. I accept responsibility for that failing and plug on ahead. As the saying goes, "Winners never quit and quitters never win."

With all that said, I will leave you today and hope that you manage to reach the amount of success that you would like to have.

Thank you,
Derek A. Murphy
Author of Gulf of the Plains, Congruencies, It Happens Every Day and others.
Available on Kindle

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