Good afternoon!
So, you pick up a book and find coincidences in it that are unbelievable? Examine your own life and you'll find that coincidences are much more common than you thought. I have traveled, not widely, but enough that I was in places where the last thing I expected was to encounter someone from my hometown; but that is exactly what happened. Not just once, but several times. And, I have met people who at first glance seemed to have nothing in common with me, but on getting to know them, found that they were well-acquainted with people that I had known my entire life. Then there are the people I have met who turned out to be related to me in ways that I could never have imagined. How did these people manage to find me among all the millions of people they had a chance to encounter. Coincidence. Bit in the butt by fate.
By putting coincidences in a plot, you make a nod to the unexplainable in life. Coincidence is a part of "real life", and I try to write in a realistic manner. There is no reason to make apologies for such things, or, really, to try to explain them. The reader either gets it or he/she doesn't. Life is full of coincidences and those of us who ignore them are doomed to live in a world that is dimmed by the absence of the wonder that they can produce.
Thank you,
Derek A. Murphy
Author of Gulf of the Plains, Congruencies and others.
Available on Kindle
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