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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Slip of the mind

Good afternoon!

Well, Self; you had a really good idea last night what to write about in the blog this morning, but you didn't write it down. So, here you are, it's afternoon already and you still haven't retrieved that thought.

I guess the thing to write about today is that when a writer has a great idea, he or she should write it down somewhere. A notebook would be good. (I have several, along with notepads, but forget to keep one by me.) There are some things that are just annoying, and one of them is to have had a great idea and be unable to wring it out of the cheesecloth that inhabits our brains sometimes.

A pocket notebook is a good choice, but sometimes you are driving or doing something else just too important to neglect to make the effort to write something down. For the more technologically minded, there is the ever-present cell-phone and its capability to dictate a reminder to yourself. But, keep in mind that I don't advocate distracting yourself from driving a car in order to fiddle with a cell-phone or electronic planner.

I will say that if it is important enough, you should pull over to the side of the road and write it down, or however you plan to keep your thoughts recorded. Of course, pull over carefully, don't want to cause an accident by driving erratically.

That is all for today. Maybe in the future I will have the presence of mind to write things down and be more prepared.

Thank you,
Derek A. Murphy
Author of Eggs of Empire, Behind the Stone and others.
Available on Kindle

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