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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Latest novel's reception

I last left you with the news that Dolly Games was going to be available in the KLL(KDP Select Lending Library), and was going to be offered free for just two days. So far, the number of downloads of this book far outstrip all my other offerings by such a margin that it is difficult to quantify it. At least, for me it is. I wondered for the past day and night if it was being downloaded so much simply because it was free. Well, now I know that it is also a very good book. One of my toughest critics is my youngest daughter, (Hi, Kris!) while my oldest daughter has been overwhelmingly in favor of everything I've written, (Hi, Mel!).

Kris is one of those very busy people who has difficulty finding time to do the things she wants because she has so much that she has committed herself to do for her family and others. As such, sometimes, dear-ol'-Dad falls by the wayside and that has been the case with many of the books I've written. Of course, I know that the genres I generally write in aren't for everybody and not usually to her taste. However, she called me today to tell me that she loved my latest book and that it was "scary". She also told me that she had called a friend of hers who writes a blog dealing with free Kindle books and started to tell her about my book. Her friend stopped her and told her that she had already downloaded the book and loved it!

Since so many people refuse to buy a book that has no reviews posted about it on its Amazon page, I ask all those who have read Dolly Games to post a review. You wouldn't believe how many people won't buy a book for the most inane reasons; some people won't buy a book if the cover doesn't appear to be professionally done. Or, if it has a generic, two-color cover. Or,if they think the book's description page indicates that it might have skeezy content. It is the same with reviews. Some people won't buy a book that has no reviews. Others won't buy a book that has even one bad review. Still others won't buy a book that has reviews written by people who can't spell grammar, much less use proper grammar when writing anything. I guess they think the book must be low-brow or that the people who wrote the reviews are so clueless about what is good that their opinion can't be trusted. So, please, if you have downloaded Dolly Games, post a review. It doesn't matter to me if it is a good or bad review; a good one can only help others to make up their minds about the book and I can learn from a bad review.

Thank you,
Derek A. Murphy
Author of Dolly Games, Congruencies, The Empty Heart: A Collection and others.

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