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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The doldrums

To any writers who may be reading this; Have you ever entered a period of time in which you felt unable or unwilling to write? At this time, I know I need to write, but seem to be motivationally constipated. Ideas are churning in my mind and I have thought of ways to continue the storyline of the sequel to Gulf of the Plains that I've been working on, but just can't bring myself to figuratively, put pen to paper. The idea of actually sinking myself into the story and getting on with the action is abhorrent to me just now and I don't understand why that should be. Composing has always been a friend to me and the periods in which I have been able to lose myself have been among the most enjoyable of my life. Perhaps that's the problem. Maybe I subconsciously know that losing myself now is not the best idea. There are many things preying on my mind that I can find no solution for and feel that I am just spinning my wheels. It's not that my works aren't selling; Gulf of the Plains has been in the Top 100 Kindle Genre Novels at least one day every week since it was published nearly a year ago, and was recently in the Top 100 in the UK as well. Still, there is something preventing me from writing. I decided to enter a post on this blog as a way to 'prime the pump', so to speak, and let the words flow. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, for those writers who are reading this; keep writing. For the readers; until next time.

Thank you,
Derek A. Murphy
Author of Gulf of the Plains, It Happens Every Day and others.
Available on Kindle

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